I’m a little lost - I’m drifting

I finished a good solid 3rd draft of my sobriety memoir. And so now I have to do the hard parts: finding editors, agents and publishers.

Instead of facing the music I’ve heen procrastinating by shifting my focus on my next book: the HSP daily inspiration reflections and pictures book 📕

But I’m also feeling a massive void. For months I’ve had the daily task of nestling myself in a cafe and writing the morning away. Now I wake up unsure of what to plunge my efforts into. And even a little unmotivated because the task ahead is so daunting. I end up staring at a computer screen for hours.

Finally I decided to take a break from the book process and focus on things I CAN do at this moment. That pulls me out if the slump. I will wait for the next wave of energy to catapult me into action to continue the process of getting my book out into the world ✨

Shannon Solange

High sensitivity defines my daily habits. I’m passionate about living a life filled with deep meaning. Triviality has no place in my life. Though that doesn’t mean that life should not be playful and fun above all else!


Lately I’ve been struggling more than usual


It’s getting real